What is VIP Unseen?
VIP Unseen is a movement designated to serving the VIP community with a mission to uncover everything there is to know about the culture and community of VIP cars. Most people don't even know what VIP cars are, and it is increasingly apparent that the culture and community is starting to dwindle into an art of the past. VIP Unseen was created as a way of reviving the VIP community with an end goal of making one large and cohesive whole. One of the main reasons that VIP chassis are not of popular choice seems to be a lack of information. There's no easy way for someone new to the market have access to a bunch of information about these cars without doing tons of research. One of the goals of VIP Unseen is to create a center where everyone, current or new, can learn and connect with a community bonded by builds that are extraordinarily different from everything else. When it comes to building a traditional VIP car, it is often pretty hard to source and locate the parts needed to make a full build. Very few people sell VIP parts and most of the large VIP companies no longer exist. This makes it extremely difficult and discouraging for anyone new to enjoy the market. This concern was a key factor behind the creation of VIP Unseen.
There are many reasons for the creation of VIP Unseen, but a movement like this will ensure the growth of the community and open a new door for new and current members. VIP Unseen welcomes its arms to everyone in the world to join something great.
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